Dungeon Amar (Completed)

Dungeon Amar Apk For Android
Beautiful Gertrude sailed to the island of Amar to clear the dungeon from the bridges. Gertrude will have to fight with strong monsters and most importantly the island of Amar is not one of them a lot, Gertrude is waiting for a long and long way.
Known issue :
• memory lag because of big maps
• takes about 30 secs to load from area to area
• seems to rushed into production
Game pc yang di ported ke android, mungkin tidak support untuk beberapa device.
⚠️ Note: ini yakni game eroge, pastikan umur kau sudah cukup untuk memainkannya. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
- Name : Dungeon Amar
- Tipe : APK
- Size : 134MB
- Mode : Offline
- Censored : -
SS Gameplay

Dungeon Amar APK Completed
Sumber https://apkmales.blogspot.com/